As a Gen-Y professional in Human Resources, I’m often
confronted with a lot of research on how I am supposed to be managed. A lot of
this research is not written by Gen-Y researchers, and they make it sound like they’re
babysitting. Chances are, if you start “babysitting” your employees, they’re
going to hate you…in the face. I wanted to take a couple of minutes to explain
what we’re looking for from our perspective.
Employee Recognition:
As a Gen-Y, I will go ahead and let you know that most companies are terrible at
this. We don’t need a little trophy, certificate or a coffee mug every time we
do our job. We do like to be acknowledged for things we do that have a positive
impact on the organization, and if we create something impressive, it would be
nice to have our names on it. Don’t go overboard. “Hey Scott, thanks for doing
that thing I said you had to do in order to keep your job. That was great of
you.” This makes us feel more patronized than appreciated.
Feedback: I have
been told that I’m a typical Gen-Y because of this one. We’re not asking for
you to stand behind us and hold our hands. We don’t need constant supervision,
but we are incredibly efficient and we don’t like to waste our time. Spending a
week on a course of action that you are eventually going to shut down is not on
the top of our to-do list. I just want to know if this is right before I do it
80 more times. Asking for feedback is not a genetic deformity. It means we WANT
to do a good job the first time. Go ahead and be happy about that.
Flexible Work Hours:
Do you expect your employees to clock out at exactly 5pm regardless of what
needs to be done? If you answered yes, then by all means continue what you’re
doing. One hour is not long enough to go out and eat lunch at a restaurant and
come back. If there’s no operational requirement for me to be in my seat in
exactly one hour, perhaps I could make that extra time up at the end of the
day. Employees have varying schedules. If you’re trying to attract a
super-ambitious employee who is part of an association, is learning a new
language and plays a sport, you better be prepared to send some work home with
Also, some people are more effective at weird hours of the
day. I have an efficiency burst between 10am and 12pm and another one between
Midnight and 2am (That’s when blogs get written). Making me plow through a sluggish
afternoon instead of letting me take a nap really only hurts you. If you need
me to write something by a specific date, why do I have to sit in my office all
afternoon to do it? … Oh yeah, and some people have kids or whatever.
Important: Avoid Unnecessary
Rules (Like A Dress Code): We need reasons for why things are the way they
are. “That’s the way they’ve always been” can’t be one of them. First think
about why you have a dress code. Does anyone even see your employees?
“The company would like to project a professional image.
Therefore, it is required that all employees dress in business casual attire.”
This is perfectly acceptable…unless one of your Senior
Managers routinely shows up in pleated khakis and a tie that looks like he
keeps it in his pocket. This no longer says “professional.” If people aren’t
going to be required to iron, wash or coordinate their outfits, I should be
able to pull off a nice pair of jeans and a dress shirt.
This also includes unnecessary rules regarding internet usage. However, I've already expressed my opinion on this one here:
Practice What You Preach:
Culture is a top down thing. We see what you do. Don’t impose rules on your
employees you wouldn’t want to impose on yourself. Like most people in the
Fredericton region, I have worked in a call center. You are required to be
plugged in and taking calls for your full 8 hours. You have breaks that are
scheduled for you (normally not at the same time as your friends), and you have
10 minutes per shift of unscheduled breaks (to go do your business). There are
operational requirements that merit treating employees like cattle. However,
when one of the cattle sees the entire management team out having lunch
together at a picnic table at the same time, they can’t help but time them.
Commence job apathy and absenteeism.
The “problem” with Gen-Y employees is that we just don’t
accept things at face value. “Because I said so” only works on children. If
this is going to be your philosophy, be prepared to lower your standards,
because the only employees you’ll retain are the ones who can’t function in an
environment where they’re treated like adults.